Men In Charge Of Money Says Halifax

A new study carried out by the Halifax has found that it is the man in a relationship that controls the finances when a couple moves house.

The Halifax survey revealed that forty-eight percent of those in charge of money matters during a move were men, compared with thirty-four percent being women. When it came to making the choice of where to move to though, and when, it was very much a team decision with sixty-five percent of couples deciding jointly. Interestingly it seems that traditional roles are still alive and well in the older generations, with fifty-eight percent of couples in the over 65 age group sharing the choice of new home compared with seventy-two percent of 16-24 year olds.

The very sensible advice from the Halifax is to involve partners and spouses in the house buying process as much as possible, especially in choosing the property. It is usually the biggest purchase any of us ever make so it is wise to share the responsibility.